
GUE Fundamentals

Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise‘ – Michael Jordan

GUE Fundamentals is one of the most popular and sought-after courses in the diving industry. This course is exactly what its name suggests: Teaching the basic fundamental skills required to be competent, and able to comfortably dive underwater. It is the groundwork on which to build all other dive skills.

The Fundamentals course was created to make sure that divers who showed up for more advanced training in GUE’s cave and tech courses were not struggling with basic diving skills.

The GUE Fundamentals course aims at cultivating basic diving skills and knowledge. The goal is to build a solid platform, which allows divers to develop sound diving practices, with the focus on GUE principles such as

  • standardised equipment configuration
  • dive procedures
  • balance, buoyancy and trim
  • propulsion techniques
  • teamwork
  • maximising safety

It is pointless to begin more advanced training before mastering these basic aspects of diving. Divers who struggle with personal skills will not be able to contribute to the team, nor will they have the required level of situational awareness needed in cave or tech training.

It is not uncommon to have divers with very diverse backgrounds in the same class, which makes this course completely unique in the diving industry.

The GUE Fundamentals training provides a wide opportunity for divers who want to enjoy shallow reef diving as well as divers who pursue more advanced diving as deep cave penetration.

It will help you improve your skills, regardless of your certification or experience level. Most divers who took the course, even those who had extensive diving experience, admits that it is an eye opening experience and their diving had changed forever.

GUE Fundamentals Rating

Fundamentals has two different paths and divers have to choose depending on their future objectives: Recreational Level (on a single tank) and Technical Level (on doubles). Obviously the type of diving with doubles is significantly more complex and requires proficiency in performance. Otherwise, as for the knowledge part, the curriculum that is covered is pretty much the same


GUE Fundamentals

Duration: 4 days (min. 6 dives)
Max. depth: 18m during course
Course ratio: Max. 3 students
Prerequisites: Be a certified diver;
16 years of age;
Physically & Mentally fit;
Be able to swim.
Physician’s authorization;
Price: upon request

GUE courses at Scuba Seekers