GUE Technical Fundamentals
Please note: if you don’t see a course, dive activity, or date listed below that works for you, email us and we can try to open a new course over your preferred time period.

GUE Technical Fundamentals
April 5 - April 8

The GUE Technical Fundamentals is for experienced divers who are pursuing a high level of proficiency in preparation for GUE technical, rebreather, or cave training.
This course can only be done using double tanks and outcomes include:
- GUE equipment configuration and use
- trim, buoyancy, and propulsion techniques including backwards kick
- valve management
- gas sharing
- backup light deployment
- basic rescue introduction
- SMB deployment and ascent training to prepare you for technical training
Instructor: Mahmoud Esmat
You can see more information here or drop us an email at to inquire.