TDI Mod 3: Advanced Mix Gas CCR
Please note: if you don’t see a course, dive activity, or date listed below that works for you, email us and we can try to open a new course over your preferred time period.

TDI Mod 3: Advanced Mix Gas CCR
May 11 - May 16

TDI Advanced Mixed Gas CCR Diver is the highest level of Closed Circuit Rebreather (CCR) training. With this level, you will learn to use the full capabilities of a CCR.
The Advanced Mixed Gas CCR (TDI MOD 3) will teach you the skills needed to safely conduct dives to a maximum depth of 100m:
- Learn the benefits, hazards and proper procedures for advanced mixed gas diving on a CCR
- Develop advanced CCR diving skills for technical diving.
- Learn how to plan and realize CCR dives to a depth up to 100m
- Carry 3 bailout stage cylinders.
This course can be conducted with either a JJ CCR, rEvo, or DiveSoft Liberty Backmount CCR unit.
Instructor: Sameh Sokar