GBI in Dahab with Scuba Seekers
“You can do anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can’t do it.”
And the guys from GBI Shine are an amazing inspiration to all of us. They came to Dahab all the way from Amman, Jordan, riding their bikes. And not only that, they cycle through Al Sa’ada, the highest point in Egypt. That is determination!
The Scuba Seekers in Dahab were not only happy to welcome the intrepid cyclist but also so proud that we could reward them with one more adventure… diving in the Red Sea.
GBI has left their saddles and changed their pedals for fins. And for this special occasion there is nothing better than to join Scuba Seekers at Wadi Gnai. There we let them try diving for first the time, or for the certified divers, just enjoy to be underwater again in this beautiful dive site.
Thanks to everybody for such great day and Magdi for the photos that will help us to remember the experience of mixing bikes and dives for one day!
Remember that this beautiful initiative of GBI-Shine has the goal to raise money to fight against the spread of the Virus C. The bike trip is now over but not the possibility to continues donating money to help Egypt become “Virus C –Free by 2020”.