TDI MOD 3 – Advanced Mixed Gas CCR
TDI Advanced Mixed Gas CCR Diver
TDI Advanced Mixed Gas CCR Diver is the highest level of Closed Circuit Rebreather (CCR) training. With this level, you will learn to use the full capabilities of a CCR.
This intensive course will cover and expand on all the core topics from your previous courses. The Advanced Mixed Gas CCR (TDI MOD 3) will teach you the skills needed to safely conduct dives to a maximum depth of 100m:
- Learn the benefits, hazards and proper procedures for advanced mixed gas diving on a CCR
- Develop advanced CCR diving skills for technical diving.
- Learn how to plan and realise CCR dives to a depth up to 100m
- Carry 3 bailout stage cylinders.
The course will begin with a review of skills that you learned in previous courses. After that, you will move quickly into dives beyond Mixed Gas CCR (TDI MOD 2) range. The emphasis of the drills is placed on keeping your unit running after a significant failure, manual oxygen control at depth, semi-closed mode (with and without electronics) and deep bailout core skills.
Being able to dive to 100 meters opens up a whole new realm of diving, reserved to very few divers. During the 7 dives of your training you will already discover some of the incredible Dahab sites in at depths you previously could not reach on a rebreather (e.g. The Bottom of the Blue Hole or Neptune Cave).
As you very well know, all rebreathers are not the same. That’s why TDI rebreather courses and certifications are linked to the use of one specific rebreather model. At Scuba Seekers you can choose between: JJ CCR, rEvo, Liberty backmount and Liberty sidemount.

All the TDI courses are linked to the use of a specific rebreather model. The Unit Cross-over course allows certified rebreather divers to cross-over to the use of a different model of CCR rebreather.