TDI MOD 1 – Air Diluent CCR Decompression Procedures
TDI Air Diluent CCR Decompression Procedures Diver (Air Diluent Deco CCR ) is the rebreather diving entry level certification designed for qualified and experienced Technical Divers.
Closed circuit Rebreathers are complex devices, which makes them slightly more difficult to use than open circuit scuba and requires a greater level of skill, attention and situation awareness. So get ready to learn scuba diving again, with CCR everyone starts off as a newbie!
TDI Air Diluent Deco CCR course will teach you to:
- Strip down, prepare and check the rebreather
- Conduct pre-dive safety procedures before each dive
- All the necessary skills to conduct CCR dives to a maximum depth of 40m
- Use air as diluent for formal decompression diving
- Use of single stage bailout cylinder
Are you ready to the “silent” side of tec diving? Get ready to discover Dahab with different eyes -and ears- during your training dives . Your first open water dives will be conducted at Dahab’s bay, the area that covers the Lighthouse, Buoyancy Park, Bannerfish Bay and Mashraba dive spots. But you will also have the opportunity to explore to some of the other great Dahab dive sites.
Rebreathers are not all the same. That’s why TDI rebreather courses and certifications are linked to the use of one specific rebreather model. At Scuba Seekers you can choose between: JJ CCR, rEVO, Liberty backmount and Liberty sidemount.

HELITROX Diluent Decompression Procedures CCR
Increase your depth using helium in the Diluent Gas Mix (up to 20% Helium). The advantage of using helium-based gas mixes, is deeper dives without the level of narcosis encountered, if making the same dives on air or Nitrox. During the course you will gradually add more depth to your CCR diving experience to a maximum of 45m.
Price: €1350
All the TDI courses are linked to the use of a specific rebreather model. The Unit Cross-over course allows certified rebreather divers to cross-over to the use of a different model of CCR rebreather.