TDI – Rebreather Unit Crossover
The transition to a different rebreather
All the TDI closed circuit rebreather courses are linked to the use of a specific rebreather model. This course allows certified rebreather divers to cross-over to the use of a different model of CCR.
This transition requires far less work than your initial rebreather certification. In most cases this course can be completed in 2 or 3 days. You will go over Rebreather Diving Basics and learn the specific skills and maintenance required for the new rebreather model.
No need to say that the course is performed according to your present certification level and it is not intended as an increase of qualification level or depth.
Scuba Seekers offers you cross-over training on the following units: JJ CCR, rEvo, Liberty and Liberty Sidemount.
CCR CROSS-OVER: Units Available