TDI MOD 2 – Mixed Gas CCR
TDI Mixed Gas CCR
This is your opportunity to explore a little deeper. The TDI Mixed Gas CCR (TDI MOD 2) teaches experienced divers to use mixed gas containing helium in order to better control the effect of nitrogen narcosis.
Rebreathers are able to maximize your gas supply and provide the optimum breathing gas for any depth by maintaining a constant partial pressure of oxygen (PPO2). With this training module, your understanding of what is going on in your rebreather will take a huge leap forward.
To dive a depth range of 45 to 60 m, you will need the addition of helium as a diluent and this course will teach you:
- CCR diving skills appropriate to technical diving to a maximum of 60m
- Benefits, hazards and proper procedures for mixed gas diving
TDI Mixed Gas CCR Diver course will begin with a classroom and equipment preparation session followed by the first dive. Dive one is always in the Dahab bay and consist of a recap of the core skills, kind of “CCR MOD 1 on one dive“.
After that, you start progressing in depth and skills. During this progression you will have the opportunity to enjoy the great diving that this certification can open up to you. Dive sites such as The Arch at Blue Hole, Deep Canyon or Deep Tiger House to name a few.
And once you are certified you can spend the rest of your time in Dahab exploring the underwater world and start logging your hours for your next CCR certification.
As you already know, all rebreathers are not the same. That’s why TDI rebreather courses and certifications are linked to the use of one specific rebreather model. At Scuba Seekers you can choose between: JJ CCR, rEvo, Liberty backmount and Liberty sidemount.

All the TDI courses are linked to the use of a specific rebreather model. The Unit Cross-over course allows certified rebreather divers to cross-over to the use of a different model of CCR rebreather.