Rebreather (CCR)
Are you ready for the greatest dive innovation since Jacques Cousteau’s aqualung? Closed Circuit rebreathers (CCR) are created around a simple principle of a one-way breathing loop. One hose takes the gas exhale by the diver to a CO2 scrubber, and another brings it back filtered, refreshed and recycled to the diver’s mouth.
Rebreathers have been used for a long time by military and scientific divers, but every day more and more divers make the switch and join the CCR ranks. For example, nowadays it is very popular in underwater photography because of the benefits in marine life interaction and among technical divers because of the efficiency and safety in preparing extended range dives.
Rebreather Advantages vs. Conventional Scuba
Better Gas Efficiency:
All of your exhaled gas is retained within the system in a closed loop. The rebreather replaces only the consumed oxygen and don’t waste gas. The result is longer dive time and use of a lot less gas. This means less visits to the filling station and cheaper fills (particularly when using Trimix)
Longer no-stop dive time
Rebreathers constantly monitor the PPO2 in your mix. It’s basically like diving with a small nitrox blending machine on your back that is producing the best gas mix for whatever depth you are at. Rebreathers can keep the nitrogen in the system to a minimum, and divers can stay down longer with less risk of DCS.
Stealth Diving:
Rebreathers produce few or no bubbles, so they don’t disturb marine life or reveal the diver’s presence. This allows you to get closer to marine life, which is why rebreathers are popular with researchers and professional underwater photographers.
There is Diving. Then there is CCR
CCR diving is an amazing way of diving, offering longer dive times, optimal decompression and more aquatic adventures. Scuba Seekers is a CCR friendly dive center and we are proud to be pioneers in rebreather diving and CCR training in Dahab.
No matter how experienced or confident you are on open circuit, with a rebreather you are starting over again and you are always learning. In our opinion, that is actually the most incredible thing of rebreather diving: to push yourself, to challenge you… and in that way change and refresh your diving.
Rebreathers are far more complex units than open circuit scuba tanks, which makes them more difficult to use and requires a greater level of skill, attention and situation awareness from the diver.
When you join a course in Scuba Seekers, you can be sure that you will have the highest quality training possible. And that we will ensure that the training pace and environment is planned according to your needs.
Scuba Seekers has a wide range of courses and units available. We believe that no particular scuba training organization is better than another. Whether you choose a TDI or a IANTD Course, our goal is always the same: to make you a great rebreather diver!
INTRO (2 dives)
Experience the different advantages of a recreational CCR unit, compared to traditional open circuit diving.
Re-learn how to dive! The benefits, hazards and proper procedures of recreational CCR diving with air as diluent. Read more!
TDI Air Diluent Deco CCR is the entry level rebreather certification designed for qualified and experienced technical divers.
Go deeper on your rebreather. TDI Mixed Gas CCR course teaches experienced CCR divers the use of mixed gas containing helium as diluent.
Utilise the full capabilities of your CCR. With the TDI Advanced Mixed Gas CCR course you will learn how to plan and realise CCR dives to a depth up to 100m.
All the TDI courses are linked to the use of a specific rebreather model. The Unit Cross-over course allows certified CCR divers to cross-over to the use of a different model of rebreather.
Fundamentals is a course for divers that want to discover what GUE is about. As the name suggests, you will learn all the basic GUE fundamental skills required to be competent and comfortably dive underwater. It is the groundwork from which to build on for future GUE courses.
CCR Fundamentals is your introduction course to close circuit rebreather diving. Fair warning, no matter how experienced or confident you dive on open circuit, learning to dive on a rebreather is like starting all over again!
CCR Tech 1 is the next step in your GUE CCR journey. Extend your depth range on the rebreather by building and enhancing you technical diving abilities. Be prepared to handle emergencies and execute dives during which you cannot make a direct ascent due to decompression obligations.
The pinnacle of our training at Scuba Seekers, a GUE CCR Tech 2 diver have it all: a robust set of abilities, a superior level of communication and teamwork skills, and the right tools for uncharted deep diving exploration.