As the sun sleeps and the moon awakens, so does a new kind of underwater world. One less familiar, more colorful, and enticingly mysterious. Grasp a better understanding of the marine species that come out to play after dark and then explore the nocturnal realm for yourself on our Creatures of the Night ecological dive!

The Creatures of the Night Reef Ecology Dive includes one classroom presentation followed by one ecological dive where we seek out the species/interactions discussed.

See here for full information.

There are plenty of fish in the sea isn’t just a metaphor for your dating life. Over 33,000 species are found worldwide, making fish identification quite the feat. This Reef Ecology dive makes it easy by teaching you the basics of fish taxonomy. Learn the characteristics of common fish families found here in the Red Sea and further afield so you can classify any fish, anywhere.

The Ichthyology Reef Ecology Dive includes one classroom presentation followed by one ecological dive where we seek out the species/interactions discussed.

See here for full information.